RegenFARM is useful for different types of users along the food production and supply chain.
The Demonstrator performs some basic and useful functions now; please give it a go!
Once fully developed the full RegenFARM Platform will perform more comprehensive, complex and integrated functions.
All the relevant data you need in one place for the whole farm, and in detail on a field by field basis.
Spatial and climate data displayed on easy to interpret interactive maps and charts.
User can input machinery and labour resources for their own farm.
Each field categorised into a zone using spatial data so appropriate RegenAg methods can be applied in the correct locations.
Select which RegenAg method you want to apply to each suitable field; arable, livestock, others. Build up interventions on field by field basis.
Select from dominant, alternative and locally adapted plant and animal species suited to your farm location.
Shows where the key-points are located from which water management and RegenAg design can be 'anchored'.
Shows key-lines along contours which can be used to direct lateral water movement, and areas suitable for sub-soiling.
Flow accumulation overlaid with key-lines shows locations for swales and draining along which water can flow to storage ponds.
Identifies locations most suitable for natural water accumulation and dam/pond construction throughout the farm landscape.
Identifies areas of high flow accumulation, seasonal rainfall and crop rotation gaps.
Calculates on a field by field and whole farm basis the results of applying RegenAg methodologies.
Allows farmer to farmer planning within a catchment area to address a range of water holding and run off issues.
Cultivation practices overlaid with flow accumulation highlight which locations might 'leak' nutrients into water courses.
Protected natural areas within farms, ecosystems and catchments. Sites of ancient woodland as sources of biodiversity and a tool in integrated pest management.
Building up water storage reserves (ponds and lakes) increases biodiversity enormously, providing benefits at a farm and catchment level, particularly introducing beneficial insects, pollinators and natural pest predators.
Identifies locations where there are opportunities for present and future market development for food sales and other services.
Qualifies and quantifies a range of public goods and services outcomes possible by groups of users acting together within a region.
Environmental outcomes resulting from RegenAg, including; water and soil quality, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, climate change adaptation.
Work with your suppliers to convert their production systems to regenerative agriculture. Use RegenFARM as a tool to generate consistency and higher quality in your supply chain.
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